is the genome the new wilderness?

A group of conservationists was meeting in Bellagio in december 2015 to discuss how IUCN should deal with the upcoming development of genomic technologies. Brains were cooking for three days and we discussed if and how Synthetic Biology can contribute to the conservation of biodiversity. There are a number of key causes which we know […]

responses from SSC chairs

What do Specialist Groups want from CGSG? During the SSC leaders meeting we asked the chairs of Species Specialist groups how CGSG could best serve their needs. For this we developed a short questionnaire with a couple of questions. Until now we got 38 responses back – thanks to all of you. Out of 38, […]

SSC Chairs Meeting Abu Dhabi 20015

Introduction The third IUCN SSC Chair’s meeting was held in Abu Dhabi in September and, coming almost one year from the inception of the Conservation Genetics SG, marked an important stage in the development of the Conservation Genetics Specialist Group. Both Mike Bruford and Gernot Segelbacher were able to attend and it was an extremely […]

DNA from ivory identifies origins of elephants

CGSG member Samrat Mondol and colleagues here nicely demonstrate how genetics assists conservation. read the full story here: or a BBC report here:

Putting genetic biodiversity of wild species on the conservation agenda

We write regarding Tittensor et al’s1 evaluation of progress towards Convention on Biological Diversity Aichi 2020 biodiversity targets. Target 13 states “By 2020, the genetic diversity of cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and of wild relatives, including other socio-economically as well as culturally valuable species, is maintained, and strategies have been developed and […]